Artist CV

Solo show: dis/placed, Lobby Gallery, 3S Artspace, Portsmouth, NH (Coming in April)
Guest Speaker, Kolaj Institute PoetryXCollage Artist Residency IV

2023 Cover Artist, Prune Juice Journal
Strata II, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, OR
Representing the Human Form, Alchemy + Art, Amesbury, MA
Featured Artist, Clover + Bee Magazine, Issue 5
All Together Now, See Saw Art, Manchester, NH
Figures in the Landscape, Aplomb Contemporary, Dover, NH
New Resonance Poets, Volume 13, Red Moon Press

Blue: Fall 2022 Zine, Creative Guts Podcast, Exeter, NH
Annual Juried Exhibit, National Collage Society, Ashland, OH
The Big Small Art Show, Alchemy + Art, Amesbury, MA
Salon 2022, Kimball Jenkins School of Art, Concord, NH
Guest Speaker, Kolaj Institute PoetryXCollage Artist Residency I-III

Cover Artist, Whiptail: Journal of the Single-line Poem
Author, Mind the Gap: Collision & Context in Haiku & Collage, Kolaj Mag. #32

Juried Regional Exhibit 2020⁠, Library Arts Center, Newport, NH

Abstract and Contemporary, The Art Center, Dover, NH

Remix: Appropriations in Art, The Wave Gallery, Watertown, MA
New Beginnings, The Art Center, Dover, NH
Bare: The Nude Now, FOUNDATION Art Space, Exeter, NH
Art Among Us, Main Street Art Gallery, Newfields, NH

Small Works Show, Main Street Art Gallery, Newfields, NH

April Fools,  Main Street Art Gallery, Newfields, NH
Small Works Show, Main Street Art Gallery, Newfields, NH
Eight Cubed,  Newburyport Art Association, Newburyport, MA
Masks, Main Street Art Gallery, Newfields, NH